Earn While You Learn Apprenticeship
Employed full-time through our construction partners
Classroom based once a week.
Eight month course with labs completed on the job.
Ability to "test drive" more than one trade without delaying your education.
Diverse training and work experience before accepting a job position.
Training is Nationally Standardized and Accredited.
Credentials are Stackable. You will receive credit for individualized modules that can be accumulated over time.
Training credentials are Portable. They will travel with you across the country through our National Registry System.
Credentials are transferrable to any Trade school or Employer program that uses NCCER curriculum.
Access to Mentoring and Individually developed plans.
Access to over 70 skilled trades.
Upon Completion you will be deemed a 2nd year apprentice, in our Earn While You Learn Program and fully employed.
Upon Completion, you will have graduated from the NCCER Core Curriculum.